Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I think I've pretty much finished tutorials 1-3. I think I might move #4 back later, as it is mostly concerned with posting SVG files onto the internet, and not with paths and actual SVG code like tutorials 1-3 & 5 are. I've pushed to revision 292 tho.

1 comment:

  1. You had accidentally locked the bzr branch (I still don't know how that happens), so I needed to break the lock before I could push my changes. Here is what I did:

    1. I renamed the tutorial from Scalable Vector Graphics to simply SVG.
    2. I swapped lessons 4 and 5 (per your suggestion).
    3. I edited the header to include Lessons 4 and 5.
    4. I added Lessons 4 and 5 to the main index page.
    5. I renamed Lesson 5 to "Embedding SVG in HTML".

    Be sure to pull before making any additional changes.
